Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Streets of Manhattan

Its been a hectic week with Halloween, countless Mountbatten birthdays and the NYC marathon. I managed to squeeze these things in around going to work and catching up on my sleep after the disastrous events of the Toshi pictures do not reflect the two and a half hours it took to get me home!
The Halloweeen Parade that went along 6th Avenue from Spring Street up to 23rd Street (ish) was a strange spectacle to behold. Anyone was able to participate by showing up in costume and walking alongside the floats and New Yorkers extrovert attitude came across as they paraded in some truly fantastic costumes.

Darth was around too!

The Metrocard Family

Marge and Homer

The Kiss Float

The marathon was another event that showed a great side to New Yorkers. The 37,000 people running through all five boroughs were being cheered, wooped and hollered on by everyone with some calling out names on peoples shirts to give them that extra boost needed to run 26 miles on a cool Autumn morning. The real sense of spirit impressed me and the first time I'd seen a marathon made realise that you didn't have to be a professional runner to be able to participate. Good on everyone who ran!

Run NYC, Run!


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