Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

The third Thursday in November is Thankgiving Day: a great American holiday which involves lots and lots of eating! I went upstairs to another Mountbatten flat and sampled many of the cultural culinary delights on offer including a 20lb turkey, stuffing, yams (sweet potatoes in disguise!), mash potatoes and some tasty vegetables. This was followed by slices of both homemade cherry pie and homemade pumpkin pie. Delicious!

The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. It is the day retailers launch their holiday sales and get their bank balances back in the black. This was an American tradition I did not participate in and stayed a very safe distance away from any shops! In fact I continued with eating and drinking theme previous day by heading to the Crocodile Lounge; a bar that offers everyone who buys a drink a free pizza (yes, really!). There I met up with Alice Quigley (for those who don't know is a friend from school who is studying in Philadelpha this year) and we caught up on all things NI/USA! Thanks was given for the croc lager, original sin cider and the bonus two days to chill out.


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