Friday, January 05, 2007

Two thousand (and) seven!

Times Square, New York City for New Years Eve 2007. Need I say more?
Well actually I better in case you ever think of going along. Don't! One million people spend their evening standing in pens along Broadway or 7th Avenue not being entertained waiting for a number to change. The usual new year anticlimax I suppose. Next year I have promised myself that I'll do something really simple like having a nice meal and spending the midnight hour toasting the new year with friends.

It wasn't all doom and gloom though. We entertained ourselves as best we could and check out the top quality accessories!

Make it you new years resolution to read my blog more.......happy new year everyone!


Roddy, Steve and Me

Woooo - it's Times Square

When the new year rang in they played Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York", with everyone singing along, ticker tape fell from the sky and it made it seem worth it (sort of).


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